Delivery Conditions
Tubes can also be delivered from other domestic and foreign steel grades as well as steels according to customer specifications. Depending on steel grade and execution are, for example, the following conditions as delivered possible:
+Ccold finished-hard (BK)+LCcold finished, soft (BKW)+Aannealed (GBK)+Nnormalized (NBK)+SRBKS (BK + stress relief annealed)+CR1welded and sized, bare (BKM hard)+CR2 welded and sized, bare (BKM soft)
cold finished-hard (BK)
cold finished, soft (BKW)
annealed (GBK)
normalized (NBK)
BKS (BK + stress relief annealed)
welded and sized, bare (BKM hard)
welded and sized, bare (BKM soft)